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Undergraduate Courses

  • SEF 221:  Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems in Renewable Natural Resources (2 Credits) 

  • SEF 317:  GIS Applications in Forest Resources Management (2 Credits)        

  • SEF 322:  Computer Application in Forest Resources Management  (2 Credits)   

  • FRM 413: Aerial Survey and Photogrammetry  (3 Credits)       

  • FRM 529: Remote Sensing in Forest Resources Management (2 Credits)        

Postgraduate Courses

  • FBI 743:     Application of Remote Sensing to Forestry (3 Credits)

  • FBI 744: Application of Geographic Information Systems in Forestry (3 Credits)   

  • FBI 755:    Digital Image Processing for  Sustainable Forest Management                            

  • FBI 756:    Spatial Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Forest Management I (2 Credits) 

  • UEF 763:    Forest and Climate Change (2 Credits)

  • UEF 764:    Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) (2 Credits)

  • FBI  851:    Advanced GIS Technology in Sustainable Forest Management (3 Credits)

  • FBI  852:    Spatial Decision Support Systems for Sustainable Forest Management II (3 Credits)   

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